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Project Management for Managers – Full Curriculum

Project Management For Managers - Full Curriculum
Project Management D03 Curri Mob

The Benefits Of Having Good Project Management Skills – Section 1

1.0 Welcome And What to Expect

  1. An exercise in change management
  2. Why projects are different from day to day activities
  3. How this course is organised

2.0 Why Good Project Management Is Vital to Building High Performing Teams

  1. The statistics proving how valuable good project management skills are
  2. What successful projects achieve as a minimum
  3. 8 key personal benefits of building good project management skills

3.0 The Most Damaging Mistakes Made and How to Avoid Them

  1. 7 of the most damaging project management mistakes
  2. Detail explanation of why these mistakes are so costly and what to do to avoid them

Getting Project Signoff (Permission to Start) – Section 2

10.0 How to Create a Compelling Business Case to Get Your Project Started Quickly

  1. 5 factors for building a strong business case
  2. Why project alignment to wider goals is critical for project success
  3. What sections to include in your business case


11.0 What Goes into Defining Really Clear Project Goals

  1. 5 Questions to answer before setting project goals
  2. Understand the interdependence between project goals, resources and time
  3. How to ensure progress towards project goals are measurable


12.0 Essential People Management Tactics to Quickly Get Project Signoff

6 essential tactics for getting quick project signoff

How to set realistic expectations across the business

How to get commitment for the resources the project needs for success

Planning & Organising Your Project – Section 3

20.0 Why Project Planning and Risk & Problem Management Activities Must Be Done In Parallel

  1. How both sets of activity work together
  2. What planning expectations to have as a project manager


21.0 Planning The Activities & Steps To Demanding Timeframes

  1. How to create different planning levels for different timeframes
  2. Understanding dependencies and critical steps
  3. Developing alternative options and routes
  4. Planning timeframes and creating milestones
  5. How to build in contingency


22.0 Identifying & Securing The Resources Needed For Success

  1. What exactly do we mean by resources
  2. Practical actions to identify the resources needed by the project
  3. 4 Tactics to protect resources you booked or that are being used

Risk Analysis, Anticipating and Solving Problems – Section 4

30.0 How to Analyse Project Risk

  1. 12 common project risks to be aware of and analyse
  2. 7 valuable techniques to identify risk on your project
  3. How to assess each of the risks identified
  4. Methods to prioritise and manage the risks to the project


31.0 Techniques to Anticipate Problems on Projects Well in Advance

  1. 3 areas that create the most problems implementing a project (and how to avoid them)
  2. The actions to enable you to anticipate most internal problems well in advance
  3. Useful additional approaches to anticipate problems on any project


32.0 How to Solve Different Project Problems

  1. 5 stages to solving any problem (with detailed description of each stage)
  2. Using the skills of others to solve your problems


33.0 The Importance of Constantly Updating the project Plan

  1. How your plan saves you a ton of time

3 factors that increase the importance of updating the project plan

Implementing Your Project – Section 5

40.0 Setting up, Communicating & Organising Your Team

  1. Creating a meeting cadence and how to use different meeting types to communicate
  2. Balancing instructing and coaching approaches
  3. Leading from the front – the need to demonstrate what you expect


41.0 How to provide great support to increase project success

  1. 7 keys ways the project manager should support their team to increase the success of the project
  2. Different ways to develop the skills and experience in your team in different stages of the project


42.0 What follow-up is needed during implementation to maximise project success

  1. The actions needed to develop the following up habit
  2. How to follow-up effectively without annoying team members


43.0 Reviewing project work and signing off project steps & stages

  1. How to set clear quality standards and deliverables which the team meet
  2. 3 different approaches to review project work
  3. How to provide feedback that encourages improvement
  4. The importance of signing off steps and stages before progressing the project
  5. Using project management software to capture progress and issues


44.0 Undertaking User Acceptance Testing

  1. The 5 Steps of good User Acceptance Testing
  2. How to use UAT as part of the training process
  3. The different types of documentation needed for project completion


45.0 Providing Training Your End Users

  1. What you should include in a training programme for all users
  2. The different elements to include in a successful training programme
  3. Transferring from project team to business-as-usual


46.0 Completing and Closing the Project

Reviewing 4 core areas before getting project complete signoff

How to deal with unplanned or early closure of projects

Project Management For Managers - Be Trust to Deliver More, Better & Quicker