Supercharge the Trust in You, Strengthen Relationships and Improve Teamwork

Increase your influence and effectiveness at work through stronger relationships

Reduce the stress and pressure on you

Build a great reputation and get better opportunities and more autonomy

Increase the results you deliver more through your team and enjoy being more highly valued

Team management brings a step-change in the number of expectations and difficulty of successfully managing expectations

How you manage expectations impacts the trust you are given and the strength of your relationships

The higher the trust levels in you, the stronger your relationships, the more effective you will be in your job

The more senior your role, the more you rely on others to enable you to do great work.    

We love it when
team members raise their game

An underperformer, causing resentment in the team…
struggling to deliver

Transformed her performance in 3 months

Met or smashed every goal.
Respected & trusted.
A rising team star

Same team member. Different performance

The Team is
always better off

A critical function being held back by an underperforming leader …
protected by a Board Director

The underperformer found a more suitable role

A new leader inspired team members to up their game.
Great for the team, great for the business.
A fair process means a good outcome for all

Same process. Different outcome

Buy with Confidence with our 30 day no questions asked guarantee.

Access and use the course lessons and materials with no risk. If you are not happy for any reason within 30 days of purchase, I will issue you with a FULL refund. Jess

Start with an okay reputation.
Finish with great reputation.
Join This Course & Be A More Effective Manager


Further improve teamwork and team effectiveness

Reduce pressure and stress

Improve your relationships and reputation within your business

3 Year Membership

One-time Investment

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

How to Skillfully Manage Expectations

(Excl VAT)

Supercharge trust and relationship building at work

Increase teamwork and team performance

Build a reputation of meeting and beating expectations

18 high quality videos, 1.5+ hours of teaching plus personalised support

The lessons have been insightful and stimulating, providing a great range of strategies to add to my management toolkit

Lee Davall

4.3 / 5 on Trustpilot

Join This Course & Be A More Effective Manager

The impacts of being under-skilled

Managing 10 staff or less

Use the course and examples and develop stronger skills in expectations management, negotiation and relationships building

Enjoy greater influence, stronger relationships, an improved reputation and a happier higher performing team

Signup in 2 minutes and access the lessons immediately

What You Gain

As you are reliable, dependable and realistic which in turn makes you more effective as a manager

What's In The Course

As a result of better teamwork, more influence and doing higher value work

Because you consistently deliver and don’t let colleagues down

Gives you better opportunities, more autonomy and others listening more carefully to your views

A more effective, motivated and supportive team, delivering more, quicker and better

Membership & access to course

Lessons & resources accessible 24/7

Of high-quality concise teaching

Direct access to Jess Coles (Course Creator)

Exercises, and documents saving you time

Who You Are Learning From

EY Trainee to Board Director of £150m in sales Business 

20+ years managing teams in world class, high growth and turnaround businesses 

Built 4 high performing teams (separate companies) of 5 to 35 staff 

Multiple “Best Team” prizes won with different teams at national and company level 

Delivered average ROI of 39:1 over 7 years (measurable profit/cash vs my pay) 

YouTube channel – 10k subscribers with 50k viewers each month 

Join This Course & Be A More Effective Manager

For you and your stakeholders, reducing your ability to deliver

Dealing with the fallout from missed and changed expectations

With tighter deadlines and a higher workload for you and your team

Suffering more distractions, doing lower value work, with less co-ordination and less teamwork

Through letting more colleagues down, a bad reputation and  weaker relationships

Expectations have a massive impact on relationships

Click For the Full Course Curriculum