Managers Put Your Team Before Yourself & Gain Rapid Promotion
Managers … put your team before yourself to gain rapid promotion. This may sound a little counter intuitive, yet your performance is judged on your team’s performance. Those managers who consistently get promoted put their teams before themselves to because it is a very effective way to progress your management career quickly.
Putting others before yourself is a brilliant way to
- inspire team members to reach for new heights
- to effortlessly gain respect and admiration of from your team;
- and have team members falling over themselves to help you to achieve team goals
Great people managers know using timeless group and social rules – like reciprocity – increases team performance far more than using the power of their position. Employees will work far harder and far better when they want to – compared to being told or forced to through fear. Team performance matters a lot to get on the fast track for promotion .
Managers Put Your Team Before Yourself & Gain Rapid Promotion
- Your attitude is communicated to all
- Using power well puts you on the fast track for promotion
- Focus on helping your team before pleasing your boss
- 5 ways to Leverage your time, put your team first and gain rapid promotion
Managers and leaders create the most value through their teams. The bigger your positive impact on team performance the faster your promotion. Put your team before yourself to create the biggest positive impact you can and gain rapid promotion in the process.
Effective managers that put their team before themselves are not looking to win popularity points, nor are they insecure and looking for an ego boost, nor are they soft on problem individuals or the problems the team faces.
Putting the team before yourself is THE most effective way of increasing team performance that I have seen employed after working in many world class companies. Those that incorporate a team first approach get promoted faster than those that don’t.
Let’s talk more about HOW to put the team before yourself to be a very effective manager and leader.
When your team is outperforming your peer group, it is a very compelling decision for bosses to add more people to your team. You gain rapid promotion because your team members and the team overall performs at a higher level than peers.
Use all the practical tips shared so you can put these concepts into practice quickly and get the benefits as quickly as possible.
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Cultivating a positive attitude towards your team is so important as a manager or leader to increase team performance. Your success as a manager or leader is dependant on those that work for you. Your management mindset has a big impact on team member’s motivation and performance. How many teams do you know that don’t like coming to work, fear their boss AND still deliver amazing results? I haven’t come across any.
1 Your attitude is communicated to all around you
As a leader, you are inescapably in the spotlight. Each team member is watching you, judging how you behave, the decisions you make and the actions you take and working out how this will impact them.
We have all been practicing these observations skills since birth. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we all know which leaders we trust and which we really don’t. We know which leaders care about their staff and which ones don’t. We know which ones are interested in us as individuals and which one see us as a means to an end or managing a necessary evil of their role.
Reciprocity is an incredibly powerful group behaviour to tap into.
The more time and effort you put into helping your team, supporting your team, training and coaching your team, removing problems they are experiencing, guiding them and co-ordinating their activities, the more you will be admired, trusted, appreciated and valued for what you bring to each of your team members. They will feel obliged to give back, through working harder, learning to work better and being more team focused.
Put your team before yourself and you tap into a brilliant way to serve your own interests and get rapid promotion.
2 – Using power well puts you on the fast track for promotion
When you are asked to lead others, you are being given power. The power that comes with a job title and a position within an organisation. How you use this power defines how people will respond to you, how they will trust you and whether they will willingly follow you.
Human culture is littered with stories. The villains of these stories use their power to serve themselves. The use power to gain more power, to gain personal wealth, to keep others down and defend their privileged position. The heroes of these stories use their power to help others, to defend others, to make other peoples’ lives easier and better. Heroes don’t use power for personal gain. The heroes are remembered, respected, admired, and celebrated. The villains rarely are.
It takes a lot of courage to use power to put others first in our very competitive workplaces. A very real fear is If I help those around me get ahead, get better and deliver more, won’t it be harder for me to get ahead personally.
In nearly all cases, a team outperforms a group of individuals.
Use your power to help solve problems impacting the team. Protect the team from unhelpful requests, power plays and politics with your influence. Work to get the right resources in place for your team members to do a great job. Use your power to build a positive enjoyable and results focused environment to work in. Actively use your power to help everyone in the team be better.
Putting your team before yourself in how you use your power is a brilliant way to encourage all your team members to follow your example. A key ingredient to create high performing teams. The better your team performs, the faster you are promoted.
3 – Focus on helping your team before pleasing your boss
Your relationship with your boss is the most important relationship you have at work in terms of your personal and professional success and gaining rapid promotion. Actively work to make your relationship with your boss as positive as possible.
Pleasing your boss is an important part of building a positive relationship and getting promoted. It is very easy to get sucked into focusing more time looking upwards – and pleasing your boss – rather than downwards to your team to increase their wellbeing and performance.
If your team is not performing, is unhappy, has high staff attrition, is causing problems that impact into the wider business etc – how pleased is your boss going to be with you? Not very.
Poor team performance will cause them a lot more headaches and undo all the good work you have put into pleasing your boss.
Focus on helping your team before pleasing your boss. Both are super important to gain rapid promotion. Great team performance will please your boss a lot as well as other managers in the business that have a say in your promotion.
Keeping your boss happy and keeping your team happy and performing is a careful balancing act. Focus on helping your team before you pleasing your boss. Work hard on both to get rapid promotion.
4 – 5 ways to Leverage your time, put your team first and gain rapid promotion
You only have so much time available to you, even if you work very long days. The more you can use your time to increase the productivity and performance of your team, the value your efforts will create as a manager.
Creating a 5% productivity gain across the team is a lot more valuable than a 10% personal gain in productivity. The team will be a lot closer to reaching goals and certainly be creating a lot more value for the business. A very good reason to put your team before yourself in where you focus your time.
5 key ways for any manager to leverage their time and gain rapid promotion as a result are:
Set Clear Direction
Set clear direction and goals for the team and each person within the team. Clear direction within a the creates a compound effect with the effort put i.e. 2 plus 2 equalling 5. Clear direction massively reduces wasted effort. Also work with your team to plan out how the goals agreed are going to be reached. A clear path also saves a lot of team time.
Create A Team Environment
Work on creating a team environment where team members trust each other, work to support and help each other, communicate openly and honestly … in short work as a team and share success. Lead by example. Praise and encourage positive behaviours decisions and actions in the team and stop negative behaviours, decisions and actions quickly to encourage the right team environment.
Look for and Remove Problems
Actively look for and remove as many problems as possible that negatively impact the team. Think people, processes, and systems. People problems – from communication, relationships, expectation management, behaviour etc are trickiest. Be diplomatic and handle the conflicts quickly and neutrally.
Say No More Often
Get comfortable with saying no to lower value work and tasks so that you can focus your team on the most important tasks activities and projects for business success. This will significantly improve your team’s performance and you will get rapid promotion much easier.
Invest in Automation
Invest your time in looking for automation opportunities across team – from small excel hacks through to software systems to replace repetitive tasks.
Actively looking for opportunities to help you team become more productive is a great way of putting your team before yourself and significantly improves team performance. A great way increase the value you add to the business and get rapid promotion.
in summary
As manager put your team before yourself and you will be serving your best interests alongside those of the team and business. A true win-win-win. Leaders and managers add the most value to a business through improving the performance of their teams. Actively looking for ways to help you team is a great way to leverage your time and create greater amounts of value for the business. The more value you create, the faster you get promoted.
To put your team before yourself, we have covered
- Your attitude is communicated to all
- Using power well puts you on the fast track for promotion
- Focus on helping your team before pleasing your boss
- 5 ways to Leverage your time, put your team first and gain rapid promotion
If you have any questions about “Managers Put Your Team Before Yourself & Gain Rapid Promotion” please email me at and I will get back to you.
Appreciating and valuing your team and using the power responsibly and in service of helping your team are both critical mindsets to cultivate to be an effective manager. Great management starts with your approach and attitude. Management skills and experience help you turn your thoughts, ideas, and plan into reality.
Great management starts with an attitude of putting your team before yourself. This is the best and quickest way to serve your own interests and gain rapid promotion that I know.