Increase your impact, influence, and the value your team creates

Leverage the capability of your team more effectively

Speed up your transition from worker to manager

Improve your team’s ability to complete important projects and activities

Increase the rate of learning within your team

Improve how well you leverage your team’s capabilities

Your impact and influence on team performance is amplified by what your team works on and how they work

Great delegation skills increase the team output and value creation by multiples - compared to okay delegation skills

Intelligently assigning work and providing the right support quickly increases team skill levels and resilience

We love it when
teams raise their game

A team stuck in a rut, churning out day to day tasks, slowing increasing their skills

A manager with great delegation skills and ambitious targets for the team

The team delivered on 54 projects in 12 months, ranging from the company joining the international banking SWIFT network to delivering the lowest customer queries in the sector… and learnt a huge amount along the way

Same team. Different delegation skills

The Team is
always better off

A critical function being held back by an underperforming leader …
protected by a Board Director

The underperformer found a more suitable role

A new leader inspired team members to up their game.
Great for the team, great for the business.
A fair process means a good outcome for all

Same process. Different outcome

Buy with Confidence with our 30 day no questions asked guarantee.

Access and use the course lessons and materials with no risk. If you are not happy for any reason within 30 days of purchase, I will issue you with a FULL refund. Jess

Start with an ambition.
Finish with higher team output and skills growth
Join the Course to Delegate More Effectively


Increase your impact, influence and the value your team creates

Speed up your transition from worker to manager

Step-change your team's output

3 Year Membership

One-time Investment

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

How to Delegate Effectively

(Excl VAT)

Learn exactly how to intelligently and practically delegate so your team delivers exactly what you are expecting and needing

Increase the rate of your team’s development and performance growth

Build a reputation as a manager that delivers

11 high quality videos, 1+ hour of teaching plus personalised support

Very effective and thought-provoking training course… recommended to my team managers

Emma Parry

4.3 / 5 on Trustpilot

Join This Course & Transform Your Problem People

Impact of Under-Developed Delegation Skills

which all impact

Managing 10 staff or less

Use the course and examples to improve your delegation approach and your impact and influence on the team

Enjoy greater impact with your team, orchestrate higher team output and create a reputation of a manager than delivers

Signup in 2 minutes and access the lessons immediately

What You Gain

With reduced delays, better teamwork and much more activity ownership

What's In The Course

Increasing your ability to step-change team performance and value creation

Through greater focus, closer support and increased speed of task completion

Increasingly skilled team, operating with flexibility and adaptability, underpinning improving performance

To deliver work and against targets as a manager and team

Membership & access to course

Lessons & resources accessible 24/7

Of high-quality concise teaching

Direct access to Jess Coles (Course Creator)

Exercises, and documents saving you time