“Having difficult employees, underperformers, disruptive and entitled staff, underminers … plus all those in the bottom quartile of your team is a real challenge for even the best managers.
Taking action – move, improve or remove – is vital to improve team performance and to improve your job security and promotion prospects.
With a ton of experience, the choices needed are easier and quicker to make. With less experience, this decision tree is an incredibly useful tool.
This is the exact thought process I go through when tackling poor team members and those in the bottom quartile of my teams. This process saves me a ton of time and effort because I take the best action quickly and consistently.”
Jess Coles
Email my booklet so I make the best choices quickly
Make the best use of your time and efforts with underperformers, difficult or disruptive staff, underminers, etc ...
Decision tree with 4 pages of notes to explain what to do at each decision point and why
Get to the best outcome for improving team performance quickly and easily
Use this booklet to make the best decisions quickly at each point in the process of tackling difficult employees