How to Write a Great CV

Full Curriculum

1.1 Mapping Your Options

  • Why mapping out your options speeds up career progress
  • Deciding on your aspirational role (your role in 5+ years)
  • How to build a useful career map

1.2 How to Get The Most Out of Your Career Map

  • How to create a skills map for each role
  • Understand your gaps and how to fill them now

2.1 Job Role Targeting

  • Why choosing 1 role makes your job search 10 times easier
  • Choosing 1 role

2.2 Why Being Realistic is Vital for Success

  • How much of your target role you must be able to do
  • How job market condition change the requirements percentage
  • Why the level of the requirements matters

3.1 Company & Environment Targeting

  • Why choosing the right company type is as important as choosing the right role
  • 6 questions to answer to narrow down your job search to the right areas for you

4.1 Understanding the Keys to Success

  • Understanding what your potential employer wants and needs from you
  • How to make your CV really stand out through choosing the right content
  • The simple and quick way to understand exactly what employers want

4.2 Find the Problems – Advert Exercise Walkthrough

  • A step-by-step walkthrough of how to find all the key employers problems
  • How to prioritise each problem and address each in your CV

4.3 Examples of Finding the Problems for a Marketing Manager

  • Example of using 10 Adverts for a Marketing Manager Role
  • How to collate and prioritise key requirements
  • How to match experience and achievements against each requirement

5.1 Capturing Relevant Experience

  • Using the job requirements to construct your experience and examples
  • 7 different types of experience to capture and how to present it
  • How to create a focus on results

5.2 Target 8 Benefits All Companies Need

6.1 Your Skills - What Make You Valuable

  • Hard skills and soft skills – what are they and which to focus on in your CV
  • Why the level of your skills matter and how to demonstrate them clearly
  • How to create high confidence levels in the reader about what you write

6.2 Exercise: Understanding Your Soft Skills

7.1 Values Alignment Matters in Job Hunting

  • Why values alignment matters to your success when doing the job
  • Learn your values and which cultures are a better fit
  • Steps to check values alignment before applying

7.2 Exercise: Know Your Values

8.1 Achievements - Proving You Are Good

  • 9 factors to make your achievements amazing and relevant
  • 8 business benefits EVERY business wants from their employees and how to use these
  • How to structure your achievements to impress

8.2 Exercise: Detailing Your Achievements

9.1 Your Key Selling Points

  • Identify the top 5 key selling points and how to use them to impress

Problem Mapping & Matching - Section 1

Building Your Unique Advantages - Section 2

10.1 Choosing a Professional CV

  • The format and look of a professional CV
  • The 4 key sections you must include in any CV
  • How to structure your CV

10.2 Contact Details – What to Include and How to Complete

  • The 4 contact details you must include
  • Where and how to include each item
  • Common mistakes to avoid and how to do this

10.3 Suggested CV Templates – Download

  • Our suggested CV format template – ideal for professional and manager positions

10.4 Example CVs

  • Full example CVs
  • Finance Manager, Customer Services Manager

11.1 What Not to Include in Your CV

  • 16 common errors to avoid making on your CV plus exactly how to do this

11.2 How to Manage CV Gaps and Other CV “Problems”

  • How to handle CV gaps from redundancy, travelling, sickness, relocation, further education and starting a family.
  • How to handle multiple career breaks

12.1 Education Section – What To Include and How To Complete

  • How hiring managers use the education section
  • How to set out your qualifications in different scenarios
  • How to show your grades and where you were educated

12.2 Skills Summary Section - What To Include and How To Complete

  • How to use the Key Skills Section on your CV and where to position it
  • Why this section is vital to grab attention in the right way
  • How to structure the section and each bullet point

13.1 Interests Section – How to Use Interest on Your CV

  • How to use the interests section to impress and grab attention
  • The changing use of interests as you progress your career
  • How to show some of your characteristics

13.2 IT Skills Section – When & How to Include

  • The different options to show IT skills on your CVs
  • What IT skills to include at different points in your career
  • How to present your IT skills to show the value you create with them

14.1 Languages, Side Hustles & Other Points

  • Available soon

Presenting the Professional - Section 3

15.1 Making the Most of Your Current Role

  • The importance of your current role and where it is position on your CV
  • How to set out every part – job titles, company details, dates and the bullet point details
  • How to write each bullet point and how many achievements to include and how to do this.

15.1 Examples – Real CV Bullet Points Re-written for a Variety of Roles

  • Common entries on average CVs for junior manager roles, re-written for a top 5% CV

15.2 How to Use Language on Your CV –

15.3 Example – Action Words to Use in Your CV

16.1 Presenting Older Roles

  • Exactly how to use the older roles section to boost the strength of your job application
  • What to avoid doing – the common mistakes made
  • Using the 5 year rule

17.1 Tackling Lack of Experience – Seeking Promotion

  • How to overcome the “lack of experience” when going for promotion
  • How to construct key points to beat more experience candidates
  • Key factors that employers need to see demonstrated

17.3 Experience Gaps - Graduates

  • What you need on your CV to stand out and get your first career job with no “work experience”
  • How to use sports, hobbies and other interests to boost your CV appeal
  • 10 skills needed in every job and tips on how to include in your CV

18.1 Winning Keyword Searches – How to Check for the Right Keywords

  • How Keywords are used in the recruitment process and what you need to know about keywords when preparing your CV
  • How to find the right keywords and phrases for your target role
  • How to include keywords in your CV to maximise getting job opportunities

18.2 Winning Keyword Searches - Examples

19.1 Writing a Summary Section to WOW

  • What goes into this vital first section of your CV – 7 different areas to consider
  • How to structure your summary section and cut out unnecessary words
  • Why you need to tailor your summary section to each job applied to

The Perfect Problem Solver - Section 4

20.1 Adding Further CV Polish – Reviewing Your CV

  • 8 checks to take your CV from good to amazing
  • Why less is more and how to achieve the right balance

21.1 Creating Your LinkedIn Profile to Get More Job Opportunities

  • 87% of recruiters check LinkedIn profiles
  • What to include in your profile and how to structure each main section to boost your interviews by 45%+
  • Detailed instructions with examples for each section of your profile

22. How to Research Each Specific Role & Company

  • How to quickly and effectively research each company offering your target role
  • Over 30 questions to guide you to make the right applications for you
  • What to look for in each company and role

23.1 How to Quickly Tailor Your CV for each Job

  • How to tailor three key sections of your CV for each role (Summary, Key Skills & Current Role)
  • The steps to make tailoring your CV quick, easy and effective
  • Massively increase the number of successful applications you make

24.1 How to Write A Brilliant Covering Letter

  • Learn exactly how to write a brilliant covering letter that sets you apart from the rest
  • Exactly how to structure each paragraph, what to include and what to leave out
  • Great examples of what to include

24.2 Covering Letter Examples

Be Exactly What They Need - Section 5