Run Brilliant One-on-One Meetings for Better Team Relationships, Development & Performance

"One-on-One meetings are gold dust for managers when used in the right way. Each meeting is quality time spent really getting to know team members, finding out exactly what is happening in the team, helping and supporting them to be their best and a whole lot more.

Any manager that doesn’t hold one-on-one meetings is missing out plus hampering their ability to significantly increase team performance. Don’t just expect your team member to update you on what they are doing, progress towards their goals etc. 

One-on-one meetings should be a two-way meeting, with both parties leaving with actions, insights and better understanding … make this meeting extremely valuable to both parties.

I share the 7 components I cover in one-on-one meetings and how to approach each. Please make your one-on-one meetings a lot more valuable to both of you!”

Jess Coles

Email my booklet so I can run brilliant one-on-one meetings

7 vital components of what to cover in your one-on-one meetings and how to approach each section 

How to run your one-on-one meetings for maximum benefit 

Example meeting agendas to achieve different aims with timings for each section 

Make your one-on-one meetings brilliant for you and your team!

Download our booklet to significantly improve how you direct, develop and increase individual and team performance through one-on-one meetings

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