Spot Employee Underperformance Easily And Quickly With These 11 Signs

"Being clear what is continued underperformance and what is just a bad day or two is really important so you can take the right actions early. 

Underperformance comes about through many issues – some outside of the individual’s control and some firmly within their control.

Spotting the signs early allows you to help the individual overcome their issues before bad habits set in and improving performance becomes much harder and much slower. 

To improve overall, team performance, improving individual performance of weaker members is a must."

Jess Coles

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Take better corrective actions sooner, to improve team member performance quicker

Detailed descriptions of different indicators within each of the 11 signs

Suggested next step actions to take for each sign

Use this detailed booklet to spot the subtle signs of underpeformance and take better action quicker